Saturday, 31 January 2009


Traditionally sewn book opened flat.Image via Wikipedia

Did I said something about moving this blog to somewhere else? I was wrong. I will continue here. I realized that many etsyans (or etsians or etsyers, I like etsyers) are with their blogs here in Blogger, and I want to be here with them, even I have two etsyans followers of my blog, also working with bookbinding, handbound, notebooks and other beautiful things that I would like to buy in their shops. I have added their links




Also I've added another link in the list, this is another etsyer I like very much, Amanda, and I've put one widget with a library of the music I listen to all day while I'm making my notebooks, if you want, you can play it.

My English is not perfect, I´m sorry for mistakes, but making post will help me to develop my English grammar and the result will be better posts.

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Sunday, 18 January 2009

Organic architecture

Frank Lloyd Wright, American architect, portra...Image via Wikipedi

The architect Frank Lloyd Wright introduced the word "organic" for his concept of architecture in 1908 going further than his mentor the architect Louis Sullivan --considered by many as the creator of the skyscraper and the father of modernism-- whose said "form follows function".

Wright changed the concept of that phrase saying that "form and function are one" and taking the nature as the best example of his idea.

Frank Lloyd Wright's organic architecture takes on a new meaning. For him "organic" does not refer to something that has forms of animals or plants, but it involves a respect for the properties of materials and the harmonious relationship between the form/design and the function of the building.

When I thought of making a notebook with a round edge I immediately thought about its function, if this round shape would be comfortable for writing at the same time as it looks nice. Also, there was another element to think about in relation with that question, that is the pattern of the stitching.

The pattern of the stitching in my previous notebooks has always been inspired by the shape of the covers, the usual square cover, but now, this unusual round shape gave a freedom to the pattern of the stitches and my question was:

Does the shape of the covers follow the pattern or the shape of the pattern is given by the covers? So I took this question as a small experiment with my notebooks between form, functionality and aesthetics. I do that experiment respecting the natural properties of the papers I use --following the concept of "organic" of the architect Frank Lloyd Wright-- as the expression of the materials by themselves in the same way I have done with my previous notebooks as well.

Aesthetics is commonly know as the study of sensory or sensori-emotional values, called judgements of sentiment and taste. So everything you can write in this notebook --your thoughts, sentiments, feelings or judgements-- can be part of the same experiment in interreletion with the form and functionality of the (brackets) notebook and its natural properties as a whole.

Thanks to Redi for helping me to edit the text because my English is not perfect. You can find her in flickr:

Also thanks to Jan.C for giving me inspiration to write this post. You can find her here :

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Saturday, 17 January 2009


Brackets. Done in Inkscape by Fibonacci, simpl...Image via Wikipedia
Brackets are punctuation marks used in pairs to set apart or interject text within other text.

The covers are made with the same material, treatment and size than my previous notebooks.

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