Tuesday, 22 February 2011


Always I've liked geometry in all the senses: mathematical, philosophical and aesthetic. It has been my main source of inspiration together with the Golden Ratio. Even in the covers of my notebooks there is a rational analysis of composition on the basis of the covers' format with the proportion of size and position of the papers making the collages. When I draw, my drawings are abstract and geometrical using proportions. I don't understand geometry without precision, or at least, I didn't until now.

I'm starting to make some drawings on the covers of my new noteboos, minimal drawings with basic geometrical shapes on the basis of some drawings from some years ago that I've shown in flickr. These new covers with drawings will be without adding too many materials to the list of materials I already use for the collages, only pencil, black, grey and white acrylic paint (no colors) and chinese ink.

The idea of making drawings on the covers is because of the time I spent in London recently. It was very inspiring, although not productive because I couldn't make any notebooks, but I got a new point of view on the way of drawing with geometry.

Every time I went out in London was mostly for going to contemporary art exhibitions. After some time I realized that my favorite artists today are women who work with a more organic approach to geometry: Rachel Whiteread, Ellen Gallagher, Anna Helpher  and others. The work of these female artists opened my eyes and made me understand how geometry without precision and rigidness, drawing freehand lines by hand without precise measurements can be organic and as alive as a plant, finding there as much beauty as I find in the strict geometry of Richard Talbot´s drawings.

I'm starting my drawings for my new notebooks as always I've drawn, with the precision of a ruler and a calculator. But with the goal of finding my way for making my geometrical drawings more organic with freehand lines and without the precision of measurements. It will be a process of learning.

Rachel Whiteread
Anna Helpher
Richard Talbot

Sunday, 30 January 2011

 On Monday I'm leaving London to go home to Sweden. That means new crafts. I wasn't able to make notebooks in London as I was hoping, it's a really inspiring city. But I also get inspired in Linköping, the town where I live with its quietness and forests.
I want to thank all the new followers of this blog in all the time I haven't been posting anything and to the old followers that have been here even when this blog has been abandoned.

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