Sunday, 10 May 2009

M O T H E R ' S D A Y

The new pin on the story-map is located in Spain, where the Mother's Day was last sunday(May 1st) and  my notebook Yoko is  there, because my mother lives in Alicante, Spain. Yoko was my Mother's Day present for her. She is going back to Argentina in June, the next month I will have to move the pin to the other side of the map.

For shipping my notebooks I put a wrapper around them with a typewritten text that I take randomly from books of art , philosophy or Google. The text I used for this notebook is from Yoko Ono:

"Touch Poem V" 

                 Fill the wall.

                       Examine its temperature and moisture. Take notes about many different walls.

                                                                                                                   1963,  autumn. YOKO ONO

Monday, 4 May 2009

Nervation, Crappy and Venation

NERVATION CrappyVenation

Nervation, Crappy and Venation have gone to Taiwan. One pin more on my story-map, but with three notebooks. The person who bought them is an artist who uses to work with her sketches and printings on notebooks "Moleskine". But now, she also likes notebooks "bastiano"

"Crappy" is her new sketchbook and "Nervation" was a custom request on base of my first Nervation notebook (15x10cm), but in big size (21x15cm). She has her shop
linguine on Etsy too and you can see her art-works on notebooks there. Who knows, maybe soon you can buy some of her art-works made on some of my notebooks.

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